TechDay Australia - Australia's technology news network

Opinion stories - Page 8

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Taking the right cybersecurity precautions in China - Cylance
Wed, 27th Jun 2018
ai security
China is already Australia’s largest import and export trading partner, and President Xi Jinping recently implied that it’s unlikely to slow down.
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Six steps to boosting your security posture this EOFY
Tue, 26th Jun 2018
breach prevention
By following these six key steps, organisations can better protect themselves and ensure their underlying IT infrastructure is as secure as possible.
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CISOs - Know what you can and can’t control with GDPR
Mon, 25th Jun 2018
breach prevention
risk & compliance
data privacy
Under GDPR, CISOs must balance data security without bearing full control; 80% of GDPR-related data is beyond their direct oversight.
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Speed and proactive approach essential for cybersecurity confidence
Fri, 15th Jun 2018
data science
Australian businesses must act swiftly and proactively to counteract cybersecurity threats, as delays can lead to significant financial and reputational damage.
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How MSPs help SMBs cut cost and manage risk - Datto
Fri, 8th Jun 2018
document management
They’re evolving into virtual CIOs, serving their SMB clients in much the same way as a conventional, in-house CIO.
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How to switch off when you’re a small business owner
Fri, 1st Jun 2018
financial systems
Taking time out allows you to focus on those important to you and strengthen relationships, which can be a vital reboot.
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Four ways social media management software is transforming CX
Fri, 1st Jun 2018
Gartner’s 2017 Customer Experience in Marketing Survey indicated that 67% of companies feel they compete mostly or completely on the basis of CX.
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How virtual reality is making people more human-centric
Fri, 1st Jun 2018
ar, vr & metaverse
social enterprise
Most people are connected to one device or another throughout the day, and many have speculated that being more connected has made us more alone.
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How the Australian budget will impact SMBs - Reckon
Wed, 9th May 2018
financial systems
accounting systems
In light of Australia’s 2018 Budget being released yesterday, Reckon ANZ MD Sam Allert comments on the ramifications for Australian small businesses.
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Opinion: Why YouTube’s ad algorithm is killing your favourite creators
Thu, 26th Apr 2018
digital entertainment
YouTube says that machines are allowing them to flag content for review at scale, but this is causing many creators to quit the platform.
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OPINON: Counting the broader cost of Facebook’s data dilemma
Thu, 5th Apr 2018
breach prevention
Barracuda SVP Chris Ross talks about the results of a recent survey they ran following the Facebook fallout to determine the true cost.
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Five questions to ask when evaluating a DCIM vendor
Tue, 20th Feb 2018
nlyte software
Mark Gaydos delves into the importance of not only adopting DCIM solutions, but also choosing the right vendor - here's his advice.
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Five ways for MSPs to sharpen their business this year
Mon, 19th Feb 2018
partner programmes
managed services
Marina Brook has some advice for MSPs who are looking to take their business to the next level or tighten up their practice in 2018.
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Don’t get left behind - cloud and the dangers of feet-dragging
Wed, 14th Feb 2018
New Relic’s Jill Macmurchy explains exactly how putting off the move to the cloud could negatively impact an organisation’s bottom-line.
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How SD-WAN is accelerating the multi-cloud migration
Tue, 23rd Jan 2018
network infrastructure
Silver Peak's Nav Chander discusses how SD-WAN can be the key to an easier and more efficient multi-cloud solution.
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The technological future of buying, owning and managing property
Sat, 14th Oct 2017
future tech
The future of property buying, management, and selling is driven by technology and must meet real needs, rather than just being 'cool'.
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Surprise! Pokemon GO is alive and well
Mon, 2nd Oct 2017
digital entertainment
ar, vr & metaverse
Defying expectations, Pokémon GO thrives with raids, new features, and a loyal fanbase ready for battle, come rain or shine.
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The doomsayers of Apple
Fri, 23rd Jun 2017
personal computing devices
Amidst a narrative of decline, Apple jockeys for tech supremacy but faces grumblings over innovation and identity.
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Phonics more important than ever in a digital age
Mon, 12th Jun 2017
massey university
digital literacy
Massey University children's literacy specialist Tom Nicholson discusses how spelling is even more relevant in a digital age than ever before.
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EXCLUSIVE: Trends in the UC industry and how resellers can capitalise on them
Mon, 8th May 2017
Recently we spoke with tech stalwart Randy McGraw on trends in the unified communications industry and just how the channel can capitalise on them.