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Study stories - Page 8

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Cost of cyber attacks up 62% in five years - report
Tue, 3rd Jul 2018
ponemon institute
Cyber attacks are costing businesses more than ever, with a global average of USD $11.7 million per organisation, up 62% in five years, says a new report.
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Why internal financial controls are more important than ever
Tue, 3rd Jul 2018
data protection
Global research from BlackLine suggests that data is increasingly seen as one of a company’s most crucial assets, yet it's always at risk.
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Kiwi adoption of contactless payments driving merchant growth
Wed, 30th May 2018
commerce systems
supply chain & logistics
The study shows that for contactless merchants, growth in customer numbers (8.3%) was double that experienced by non-contactless merchants (3.5%).
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Study: Focusing on risk aversion? It may be doing you more harm than good
Fri, 18th May 2018
risk & compliance
A study carried out by Frost & Sullivan has highlighted the benefits associated with being an agile business, instead of a risk-averse one.
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ComCom preparing for looming telco regulation with new study
Fri, 27th Apr 2018
commerce commission
The Commerce Commission launches a study to prepare for regulating New Zealand's fibre networks, currently built by Chorus and three local firms.
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Enterprises must move at startup speed or risk disruption - study
Mon, 9th Apr 2018
zeropoint ventures
A whitepaper by ZeroPoint Ventures says NZ enterprises are failing to innovate at the speed necessary to drive long-term impact and success.
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ComCom confirms scope for study on mobile services market
Tue, 27th Mar 2018
commerce commission
The study’s results will help to ensure regulation keeps pace with changes in the mobile telecommunications industry.
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Aussie workers ready for paperless DX productivity gains – study
Thu, 1st Mar 2018
digital transformation
modern office
A third of office workers say they want to start using more digital tools to buy back time currently spent dealing with manual paper-based tasks.
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Most NZers prefer to engage Govt online or via mobile apps – Unisys study
Thu, 22nd Feb 2018
data privacy
mobile apps
The Unisys Connected Government Survey provides insights into the attitudes of consumers toward digital government services.
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Fitbits for animals: New data could revolutionise Aussie farming
Tue, 13th Feb 2018
animal welfare
la trobe university
La Trobe University's new sensor technology aims to revolutionise Australia's livestock industry by providing insights into animal health and behavior.
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Auckland among top nine cities for digital payments leadership
Mon, 22nd Jan 2018
commerce systems
supply chain & logistics
Auckland is named a top digital payments leader, with potential to gain nearly USD $2 billion annually by further reducing cash reliance, a Visa study reveals.
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Boom in cloud adoption driving Australian IT transformation
Fri, 3rd Nov 2017
digital transformation
Harry Kingma, SUSE ANZ sales director dives into the results of a SUSE-commissioned study that looks at current trends in digital transformation.
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Aussies leading the way in machine learning adoption
Wed, 25th Oct 2017
ServiceNow's survey reveals 89% of Australian CIOs are embracing machine learning, leading globally in maturity and application, ahead of Germany and the US.
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Cloud adoption boom fuelling IT transformation - report
Thu, 19th Oct 2017
open source
Mature cloud technology, software-defined infrastructure, containers and DevOps are being pursued by IT professionals.
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Application performance management critical for successful cloud migration - IDC
Mon, 25th Sep 2017
cisco appdynamics
IDC underscores APM's vital role in cloud migration, stressing the need for detailed KPIs to navigate the transition and secure savings.
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Kiwi SMEs need to leverage more digital advertising tools
Thu, 7th Sep 2017
digital signage
digital marketing
A third of SMEs with a website say they receive less than 50 visitors each week, whereas 25% had no idea about their web traffic numbers.
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Microsoft: Kiwis not ready for the demands of the digital workplace
Wed, 9th Aug 2017
Only 31% feel empowered by their organisation to be able to work together productively and collaboratively while working remotely.
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New business programme focuses on alternate model to scale startups
Mon, 31st Jul 2017
massey university
Rather than the traditional get-investment-ready approach, the Sprint Launch programme will instead focus on early revenue and customer acquisition.
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Rise of our robotic friends: Will human-robot collaboration have a breakthrough?
Mon, 10th Jul 2017
Robotic co-workers take a leap – an IFR report unveils a future where humans and robots join forces to boost efficiency and innovation.
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Why you need to respond to customer feedback – especially online
Wed, 7th Jun 2017
Online shoppers have high expectations for how promptly online retailers should reply to questions and complaints.