Hackathon stories - Page 2

Chch tech brains team up to solve city’s challenges in hackathon
Tue, 20th Mar 2018
mental health
epic innovation
WaiWatch was announced the overall winner for their innovative solution to the problem of inefficient and high volume residential water use.

NZTA hosting hackathon for ideas to make roads safer
Tue, 13th Mar 2018
road safety
public transport
Developers, tech experts and people with engineering or transport backgrounds will come together with to improve the public transport system.

China's biggest hacking community to expand hackathons to across Asia & India
Tue, 6th Mar 2018
China’s biggest hacker community has launched its 2018 Global Hackathon Programme and plans to expand it across Asia, India, the UK and Europe.

UK IoT company to share knowledge in Auckland seminar and hackathon
Fri, 17th Nov 2017
wireless networks
cloud services
Pycom is having the worldwide launch of their new FiPy development board that supports five different Internet of Things wireless protocols.

Kiwi AI could help end world hunger
Wed, 25th Oct 2017
new zealand ai forum
Tech advances in AI and IoT are key to helping New Zealand address growing food shortage, says NZ IoT Alliance director.

Auckland-based solution company announces hackathon to grow crops on Mars
Thu, 7th Sep 2017
silicon valley forum
Autogrow's hackathon in Auckland aims to pioneer the farming of tomorrow, devising methods to cultivate crops on Martian soil.

Experiment with new tech and tools through hackathons – Hays
Wed, 6th Sep 2017
job seekers
Attending a hackathon is a must for digital tech professionals, says Hays' CIO. It's a chance to boost skills and employability.

Datacom hackathon pushes social impact and CSR to the fore
Tue, 29th Aug 2017
social enterprise
The first prize went to Team Happy Life for charity Child Matters which provides adult training to help prevent child abuse.

Kiwi kids attempt world record - to get the most kids coding in 24hrs
Mon, 14th Aug 2017
code club aotearoa
Kiwi school children all over the country will play a part in setting a new world record this Tuesday - to get the most kids coding in 24 hours.

NZ’s first Mixed Reality Hackathon heads to Wellington
Tue, 14th Mar 2017
Wellington's PROJECTR centre will host New Zealand's first Mixed Reality Hackathon, featuring the Microsoft Hololens.

IN PICS: Motorola Solutions Hackathon in Brisbane, Australia
Tue, 29th Nov 2016
public cloud
cloud services
The event was held in in association with Telstra and Amazon Web Services and aimed at developing public safety-based apps.