Cybercrime stories - Page 23
Any use of network connected electronic devices such as computers or smartphones for criminal activity
is classified as cybercrime. With a long history starting with the misuse of telephone systems (such as
‘phreaking’), cybercrime today includes the creation and distribution of viruses, ransomware, keyloggers
and other malware, the download and use of malware produced by others, social engineering tactics
such as phishing or (physical) impersonation, the theft and use of credentials for accessing computer
systems or networks, and the theft of privileged data. Cybercrime is a broad and dynamic field, with
cybercriminals constantly adapting their methods in pursuit of usually financial goals, but also
occasionally seeking to disrupt, embarrass or shame their targets.

NHS staff breaking data security policies every day with WhatsApp
Wed, 14th Mar 2018
The 'unsustainable' issue of NHS staff using consumer instant messaging services is actually much bigger than has been previously reported.

RSA Security director dissects identity & access management industry
Tue, 13th Mar 2018
As well as emerging technologies, Steve spoke about the future, the implications of GDPR, & strategies that businesses can use to overcome challenges.

Musk says AI 'more dangerous than nukes' - expert stays optimistic
Tue, 13th Mar 2018
Elon Musk spoke at SXSW and used examples of AI's rapid advancements to show why it ‘scares the hell’ out of him - Kolochenko remains optimistic.

New research finds China tampering with public vulnerability data
Mon, 12th Mar 2018
Recorded Future believes China has been altering public vulnerability data to allow the Ministry of State Security to play with it first.

Engineer says Emirates is virtually handing customer data to hackers
Fri, 9th Mar 2018
breach prevention
wireless networks
After the allegations about Emirates' customer data policies emerged, High-Tech Bridge ran a test on the site's security - with interesting results.

Blueliv makes plea for cybercrime intelligence sharing across industries
Thu, 8th Mar 2018
data privacy
With malware continually evolving, Blueliv says it's crucial that the 'good guys' begin to collaborate in the fight against cybercrime.

Are remote workers really the answer? Report finds huge security issues
Wed, 7th Mar 2018
network infrastructure
wireless networks
hybrid & remote work
The swelling generation of mobile workers is causing headaches for IT staff with more than half connecting to unsecured networks every week.

REPORT: Ransomware decreasing in quantity but increasing in potency
Wed, 7th Mar 2018
A new report from SonicWall has shed light on the current threat landscape with the company recording an astonishing 9.32b malware attacks in 2017.

GDPR is imminent but 69% of businesses can’t secure customer data
Wed, 7th Mar 2018
data protection
data privacy
GDPR is looming (May 25) over the heads of IT staff throughout Europe and beyond but this survey found data is still not being managed properly.

Exclusive: Is cybersecurity losing because it’s too profit-focused?
Tue, 6th Mar 2018
Cybercriminals currently have the edge in the battle against cybersecurity, according to High-Tech Bridge CEO Ilia Kolochenko.

New Zealand is one of the 'Cyber Five' APAC countries most at risk of cyber attacks
Mon, 5th Mar 2018
cybersecurity insurance
According to Delta, there is now a perception that a cyber attack victim is punished by publicity, rather than the perpetrator.

Why banks need to show more initiative in tackling cyber fraud
Thu, 1st Mar 2018
Why financial institutions need to combat the increasingly complex and intelligent threat landscape with a holistic security approach.

Cybercriminals likely to attempt GDPR extortion for greater ROI
Thu, 1st Mar 2018
Trend Micro says cybercriminals are becoming more business-minded and are likely to target organisations that are trying to comply with GDPR.

Unwanted cybercrime awards: Russia tops ‘dark web medals’ table
Wed, 28th Feb 2018
email security
dark web
RepKnight published an 'alternative olympics' medal table that details the countries that feature most heavily on the dark web - infographic included.

CrowdStrike detail rise of state-sponsored attacks in new global threat report
Tue, 27th Feb 2018
ai security
CrowdStrike's 2018 Global Threat Report spotlights the rise in state-sponsored cyber attacks, revealing a shift in how adversaries share and repurpose tactics.

Cybercrime becomes most common form of fraud in UK
Tue, 27th Feb 2018
online fraud
PwC's study has found for the first time ever cybercrime has become the most common form of fraud with nearly a quarter resulting in a loss of £700k.

Are UK councils prioritising data collection over security?
Fri, 23rd Feb 2018
breach prevention
A slamming report found 1 in 4 UK councils experienced a security breach in the last 5 years and more than half didn't even report the incident.

Kiwis' contradictory habits costing millions in cybercrime damage
Thu, 22nd Feb 2018
New Zealanders lost more than $177 million to cybercrime last year but it seems people are not paying enough attention.

Mandatory data breach law comes into force THIS Thursday - are you ready?
Wed, 21st Feb 2018
breach prevention
risk & compliance
Despite the imminent law with crippling fines that affects almost every significant sized AU business, a Canon study has found 3 in 5 are unaware.

INTERVIEW: What Google’s decision to distrust Symantec certificates means
Wed, 21st Feb 2018
Last year Chrome announced a formal plan to remove trust from Symantec-issued certificates - Venafi's Walter Goulet discusses the implications.