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Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association (AMTA) stories

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AMTA launches tool to ensure mobile viability post 3G shutdown
Last week
The Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association unveils Check my Device, a tool helping Australians ensure mobile device support post-3G shutdown for emergency calls.
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AMTA launches site to aid Australians in 3G network shutdown
Thu, 25th Apr 2024
The Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association launches a site to guide users for the looming 3G network shutdown.
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Australian group formed to ease 3G to 4G transition concerns
Tue, 2nd Apr 2024
4g technology
The planned transition from 3G to 4G has prompted Australia's Communications Minister to establish a workgroup focused on ensuring a smooth shift.
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Australia's 5G edge at risk over slow business adoption
Mon, 4th Mar 2024
wireless networks
digital economy
Australia is at risk of losing 5G technology advantage due to slow business uptake, despite sturdy infrastructure and consumer adoption, warns AMTA.
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The role of 5G in Australia’s economic recovery
Wed, 9th Nov 2022
smart cities
data centre maintenance / management
As Australia charts its way forward in new and ever-evolving circumstances, mobile connectivity has become central to our economic recovery and productivity.
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AMTA supports publication of new international EMF standards
Wed, 1st Jun 2022
endpoint protection
Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association (AMTA) supports publication of new international standards for 5G electric and magnetic fields (EMF).