Allied Telesys stories

New Kiwi distributor to focus on telecommunications solutions
Thu, 10th Mar 2022
wireless networks
cloud services
Paul Batchelor of Allied Telessis fame, is launching a new specialist telecommunications distributor based in Wellington.

Case study: How is this city becoming a 'smart city'?
Tue, 1st Mar 2016
smart cities
digital signage
In a world moving toward Smart Cities and the Internet of Things, networks must evolve rapidly to meet new challenges.

Allied Telesis solution smooths travel for footie fans
Thu, 4th Feb 2016
digital signage
California light rail passenger - and football fans attending this weeks Super Bowl 50 - are reaping the rewards of new real-time information signs.

New security tool to detect eavesdropping on fibre comms
Tue, 26th Jan 2016
network security
Allied Telesis has announced the release of a new security measure to prevent eavesdropping on fibre communications.

SDN from Allied Telesis providing huge benefits for enterprises
Tue, 26th Jan 2016
network infrastructure
The rise of SDN has seen huge changes to the cloud and data centres worldwide, but are you aware of the benefits it can have for enterprises?.

Allied Telesis brings its next-generation firewall to NZ market
Tue, 8th Dec 2015
allied telesys
It’ll be interesting to see if Allied Telesis can transition its success in New Zealand in the switching category into the security space.

Allied Telesis enterprise SDN solution wins top award
Fri, 11th Sep 2015
network infrastructure
Allied Telesis has scooped up its second iCMG Architecture Award, this time for its Secure Enterprise SDN solution.

Allied Telesis NZ posts bonanza profit
Tue, 18th Aug 2015
allied telesys
finance, leasing & rental
Allied Telesis NZ's profits soar by 166%, reaching £1.1m, after a robust sales surge in its educational tech sector.

Partner centric network monitoring tool coming from Allied Telesis
Fri, 17th Jul 2015
displays & projectors
Allied Telesis launches Net.Health to tackle complex network monitoring for educational institutions and businesses in NZ.

Southern Institute of Technology upgrades with Allied Telesis
Thu, 9th Jul 2015
allied telesys
southern institute of technology
Southern Institute of Technology (SIT) partners with Allied Telesis to upgrade network infrastructure. AMF technology delivers significant network gains.

New partnership to ward off cyber attacks
Thu, 23rd Apr 2015
allied telesys
Allied Telesis selects Kaspersky Lab to provide anti-malware and anti-virus engines for its new series of Next-Generation Firewalls.

IoT and smart cities opening doors for resellers
Mon, 20th Apr 2015
smart cities
allied telesys
Smart city tech unlocks vast new markets for resellers, says Allied Telesis' Scott Penno, spotlighting a shift toward integrated urban solutions.

Allied Telesis on SDN for the enterprise
Wed, 1st Oct 2014
network infrastructure
Does SDN have real benefits for enterprises, or is it just a solution looking for a problem? Allied Telesis' Scott Penno offers his perspective.

NZ ICT market dries up as professionals seek lucrative contracts
Wed, 14th May 2014
financial systems
software development
A skills shortage is being felt in New Zealand’s booming ICT industry where professionals are reverting to contracting to reap the financial rewards.

Connector Systems go local with reseller promotions
Mon, 17th Feb 2014
network infrastructure
network security
New years generally begin with new goals and IT distributor Connector Systems has kicked off 2014 flying New Zealand’s local flag.

Your invite to Exeed’s security & wireless roadshow
Thu, 7th Nov 2013
network infrastructure
network security
Exeed's W.A.R. Tour is rolling out in November to strengthen resellers with the latest in security and wireless technology across NZ.

SDN - One of the hottest networking topics at present
Fri, 11th Oct 2013
network infrastructure
One of the hottest topics in networking at the moment – if not the whole of IT, is the concept of Software Defined Networking or SDN.

Building future-proof networks
Thu, 10th Oct 2013
network infrastructure
The use of technology in education is increasing at a dramatic rate – in fact there are very few aspects of education that remain untouched by technology.

Security challenges in a BYOD environment
Thu, 3rd Oct 2013
personal computing devices
Schools face mounting security concerns as BYOD programs grow, amidst fears over data safety and cyberbullying.

Allied Telesis delivers more for Education in New Zealand…
Mon, 26th Aug 2013
wireless networks
cloud services
allied telesys
Allied Telesis powers ahead, providing enhanced network solutions for over 1,400 New Zealand schools, promising unrivalled tech support.